Hey!!!! It’s been SOO long since I have “talked” to you guys!!! What’s up?? How have you been?? Im popping in to let you guys that I am FINALLY hosting that retreat I have been talking about for YEARS!!
Now that my T’s are crossed and my I’s are dotted – Im READY!! Are you??? I did a live on YOUTUBE explaining (high level) the getaway. You can re-watch it here:
You can REGISTER HERE. I have a private Facebook Group for those that make the deposit. You will get more information there. Here are some of the most important details you need to make the decision to come or not. I hope you choose to come – I would LOVE to meet you in person 🙂
- Date: June 6th – 8th, 2025
- Location: Bloomington, MN
- 2 Classes (Kits Included)
- Games & Prizes (Grand prize is a Cricut Mug Press)
- Swag Bag (lots of goodies included)
- Swap (optional)
- All Food is Included
- Reduced priced rooms reserved for the event
- Im bringing the heavier Machinery (Die Cutting machines – Manual & Electric..etc)
- Lots of Sponsors will be adding to your Swag Bag (including: Altenew, Alina Cutle, Shabby Art Boutique, Koalagp and more will be added)
- A Good Time 🙂
If this sounds like something you woud be interest in – you can REGISTER HERE!! Once you register you will receive a link to the Private FaceBook Group to learn more and meet everyone coming!! Hope to see you there!!!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via email at: Scrapdaworld@gmail.com
Crafty Hugs,
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